If eleven-year-old me had had a book like this to read, what a joy that would have been. It’s beautiful. It’s important. It’s F@#%ing magic.
Make a glass of sweet tea, pull up a porch chair, and a cloth to mop your brow. Red Clay Suzie roots readers in the pacing of the South as Lofton coaxes his people from the heat and the rain and the gardens and the cars. It is a journey of refuge and emergence – […]
There’s a richness to this heartfelt, heartwarming debut. The sensory detail is exquisite.
This fantastic novel is striking, and the storytelling is strong. You won’t be able to put it down. At least I couldn’t.
A top recommendation for any library.
You can’t help but root for Philbet, the unforgettable hero of Jeffrey Dale Lofton’s arresting debut Red Clay Suzie. I was moved by the insights and settings of this book and by the vivid depiction of a unique childhood that feels universal in its longing.